These are some of its best uses

Administration procedures are not usually particularly convenient, but the mobile phone can make our lives much easier. For some time now, it has been possible to install certificates from the FNMT (National Mint and Stamp Factory), something that allows us to identify ourselves immediately to be able to carry out these procedures.

To install the digital certificate on the phone you just have to request it from the phone itself and install it. At techopiniones we have explained in detail how to do it in a few minutes. What you may not be so clear about is everything that can be done with the FNMT digital certificate, so we are going to remind you why is it so useful.

tax filings. Thanks to the digital certificate we can, among others, present the Income Tax Return. It is quite easy to access the draft and complete the process in a few minutes. Likewise, it is possible to make quarterly VAT declarations if you are self-employed or even pay local taxes such as the IVTM from your town hall page.

Work life consultation. Accessing our work life is as simple as Click on a link and access with our digital certificate. This document has the particularity of being constantly updated. That is, if you download today your work life will be updated today.

Application for unemployment or social benefits. In case you need process the unemploymentsome social assistance, business assistance, or any other procedure related to the world of work and the State, the digital certificate is essential to carry out the procedures online.

Request for prior appointments. Requesting an appointment is one of the most common procedures when carrying out numerous procedures, from renewing our ID to making an appointment at one of the administrations in our city.

In many cases, nothing more than our ID, its validity date and a telephone number or email will be necessary, but it may be the case that an administration asks us to identify ourselves digitally. There, the digital certificate fulfills its function.

Uses in healthcare. Each Autonomous Community manages its website, but it is common to be able to access our user thanks to the digital certificate. Several communities allow access to medical history, appointments and requests through digital certificate.

Access to the DGT. The digital certificate is the best tool to quickly access the DGT page. From there we can consult our fines, points, notifications and documentation.

If you are getting your driving license, you can also check your notes, since you will be registered on the DGT website from the moment you have paid the fees to take the exam.

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In techopiniones | How to request the digital certificate by video call with your mobile phone with the FNMT app